About Mommy’s Movie Magic

Hello! I’m Bethany, a mom, who enjoys having and creating magical moments with my family. I love to travel (Disney World and Florida mostly) I’m secretly an introvert, so when I’m done with my magical vacations to Disney, you’ll find me at home enjoying movies and TV shows as well as baking and cooking. I love to create all the magic right in my home!
My Blogging Mission? To help moms make your Disney dreams come true! Whether it’s helping you create a magical vacation or helping to prep you kids for Disney magic at home with Disney Movie Nights.

My goal in 2019 was to take my family to Disney World, so we started watching as many Disney movies as we could. I had a year to get in as many movies as I could so my family would get to know the characters before we went. It would just elevate the experience. So I made a goal to have a movie night every Friday, and I was determined to stick to it.
Read here my suggestions on the movies you should watch before going to Disney World: Ultimate List of Movies to Watch before going to Disney World
This was the start of my Disney movie nights at home. It was a way for me to get excited about going to Disney World while bringing Disney magic to my house when I couldn’t be in the parks!
In planning my vacation, I spent MONTHS learning the ins and out of the parks. I wanted to know every detail and memorize every map and where everything was in the parks. So much so I enjoyed every moment of it.
So I decided a bigger calling for me would be to eventually become a Disney Travel agent! So at no cost to you, I can help you plan every detail of your trip and book it all for you, so you don’t have to be overwhelmed by all the details.
Travel to Disney with me! In person or from your home. Let’s plan some Disney magic today!

About Bethany
My Favorite Disney Movie: Coco
My Kids Favorite Movie: Harry Potter and the Sorcerers Stone
Favorite Disney Park: Magic Kingdom
Favorite Food: Steak
Favorite Drink: Anything with pineapple juice
Favorite Movie snack: anything salty
Favorite Movie night to date: Hercules (oh the greek food!)
One thing you don’t know about me: I’m an introvert
Other Hobbies: Ballroom/Salsa dancing, craft beers, and cheering on my Cleveland Browns and Cleveland Indians