Movie Night Theme Party | 5 Tips to Enhance Movie Night

A movie night theme party doesn’t have to be time consuming or difficult.
Most people think you have to have a lot of time on your hands, be super creative, or be a good cook /baker to make movie night more than throwing a bag of popcorn in the microwave.
I will show you how easy it can be!
It can take as little or as much time as you want. Its all about what you want the end product to come out looking like.
With my my help and my 5 tips, you can be on your way to making your own movie night more magical.
To make things easier on you, I’ve prepared for you a movie night theme party planning sheet you can print out and write down all your ideas and plans.
1. Plan ahead for your movie night theme party.
This goes without saying. Anything worth while is worth planning for.
Can you have a successful movie night theme party by pulling everything together last minute? Sure. I’ve done a few. But if you plan, things will turn out tastier and more like what you saw in your head.
You will need time to:
- decide what night you are watching your movie.
- time to grocery shop or order out any food.
- time to cook, make, or bake.
- decorate or create your crafts
You can put as little time or effort into it as you want.
Just plan ahead. And thank me later.
2. Pick your movie night theme party.
I know what you’re thinking. “I’m having a movie night theme party, isn’t this already implied”
Kind of.
This kind of goes along with number 1 and planning, but I felt the need to make it it’s own checklist item.
Picking the movie theme is the most important part because the food, decor, and any extras you are doing that night will revolve around that movie. So think about if you and those sharing the movie night with you will enjoy the whole experience.
If your not fond of Mexican food, maybe don’t pick a movie to go all out on where the movie is set in Mexico.
(Honestly, though, who doesn’t like Mexican food?!?!)
3. Plan your movie night theme party menu.
It is easier to find food that fits the theme than you think.
I have 3 ways I try to find food for my movie night theme party. I’m usually able to incorporate one if not all of these tricks.
First, what I look for is if the movie revolves around a particular food or a certain food plays a big role in the movie.
Examples of this are Snow white, which has the poison apple. Ratatouille has…well, Ratatouille.

Second, does that movie take place within a certain location, county, or culture?
Is the movie set in France like Aristocats? Is it in England like Mary Poppins? Then start researching foods that you can make that are from that country or culture.

And Third, I take a look at the movie and characters themselves. Is there a symbol I can create into a cookie?
Is the character an octopus? Can I make my food look like an octopus? You know, those kind of things.

After all that, you have to decide whether you are making dinner, desserts, snacks, drinks, or all of them! And plan your menu accordingly. If you have a lot of time and ambition, do them all! If you don’t pick the part that your family will enjoy the most and run with that!
4. Decide on any extras.
Now, extras are anything besides the food (and movie of course!)
If you want to do any decorating you have to have time to plan, shop, make, and hang any decor.
Personally, I only incorporate decorations when I can make them myself. And when I need them to enhance my food.
I wanted to do so many movies I didn’t see the value in spending my time and money buying decorations for one night. I wanted most of my “decor” to be the food itself.
Find out more about this in my post: How my Movie Nights Got Started:
But if you want to go all out for your movie night, go for it! Make and buy that decor and have fun with it!
It may be beneficial if it’s a decoration or props you can use more than once and can repurpose for many movie nights. Or if you have the time and money to plan a big movie night with all this involved, go all out! The more atmosphere you can provide, the more fun it will be for everyone!
Also, think about if you have anything at home already that would work for centerpieces or table decor. Do your kids have toys or stuffed animals you could place on the table or in the food itself? It’s a great money saver if you already have stuff!
Crafts can be a great way to elevate movie night. Especially for kids.
There are tons of ideas online of themed crafts you can do. There are also so many ideas for every level of crafter out there. Whether you are an expert crafter or you’re a “my crafts usually look like my 3-year-old did it,” there is a craft out there for you!
Maybe this is something the kids can do while you’re getting dinner ready.
Better yet, this can also be a great opportunity to get the kids involved. Plan a dessert or snack that they can help you prepare. I had my kids help me make magic carpets for our Aladdin movie night. Craft and snack all rolled into one!

Something you want to participate in? Do it earlier in the day as a teaser for the movie.
Similarly, you could take a break half way through the movie and do the craft if attention spans are low or just do it right before or after dinner is served.
Whatever you decide, your loved ones will remember it! I guarantee!
5. Make it fun and don’t stress!
Easier said than done, I know. But these nights are just for you. Do what you can and what you know you’re capable of. If you don’t like baking, don’t make cookies. If you don’t like cooking, order out. It doesn’t have to be difficult.
I’m here to make things easier on you so you can bring movie magic to your own home!
I’ve already made it easier by including the movie night planning sheet you can download, at the beginning of this blog post.
Additionally, I have free printable movie tickets you can personalize so you can use it for all your future movie nights. To get them, just sign up for my emails on the right side of my homepage!
You have to feed yourself and your family anyways , therefore incorporate it into your movie night!
Make movie night more than just a bowl of popcorn while the lights are off.
I excited to see to see what you create!
And I can’t wait to help create movie nights for you on our journey together!