• Coco party food for Coco movie night or Day of the Dead Celebration - Sugar Skull Sugar Cookie
    Disney,  Kids Movies,  Movie Nights,  Pixar

    Coco Movie Night Party

    I’m over the moon excited about our Coco movie theme night. In my opinion, this is one of the most underrated Disney films ever. But anything family-related tugs at my heartstrings. I think that is a direct result of having kids. Something chemically changed inside me when I had kids where family and kid-related anything makes me cry. EVERY. SINGLE. TIME. For convenience, don’t forget to grab the shopping list, printable menu card, and recipe cards HERE! https://youtu.be/sJ_5ZA13w_0 This movie-night was a result of write-in requests from YOU my email subscribers. (So hop on over and subscribe if you want the chance to write in requests: Email Subscription) Then I had…

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The Best Times to Go to Disney World

The list of the Best Times List that  I used to take my family to Disney World during the lowest crowds, and ideal weather to have the most magical vacation.