Toy Story Movie Night Party
Ah, the beginning of the fun with this wonderful movie series! Our Toy Story movie night begins with the very first movie, because with this series, there is no better place to start, but in the beginning!
My 4-year-old daughter requested this movie (in fact she has requested the next like 5…we’ll see if I can do that!) She wanted Toy Story, and this one seemed like one the kids would really enjoy.
Toy Story Movie Night Menu
I have to admit, if you are looking for an easy movie night to have with your kids, this is the movie night to have.
For another easy movie night check out my Little Mermaid Movie Night Post

A big part of this movie is when they go to Pizza Planet before the big move. So we naturally had to have Pizza Planet Pizza.
We also knew we wanted to do something with the aliens. I presented the girls with a few different options they actually wanted Jello! Sometimes it’s the simple things that make the kids happy.
I also wanted to do a drink for Buzz Light. With so many more Toy story movie nights to go, I wanted to really make this movie night based around Buzz. So I chose a Galaxy Drink.
Toy Story Movie Night | Pizza Planet Pizza

Pizza Dough

Sometimes the food just jumps out at you, and this one was no exception. Andy and his family go to Pizza Planet the night before they move so we decided to make our own pizza!
Obviously, if you want to make things easier on yourself, order out some pizza! But I thought it would be fun to make it homemade with my kids.
I swear I have tried a million recipes for pizza dough and for some reason or another, they don’t turn out quite right.
Fortunately, I lucked out and found a pretty great recipe that doesn’t require leaving the dough to rise.
This recipe is from Joy Food Sunshine, where she shares this easy homemade pizza dough recipe. It was super easy and turned out really good!
In fact, I know it’s good when my husband goes out of his way to say that it was the best homemade pizza I’ve made. We’ve had way too many fails with making homemade pizza, so that comment really proved to me that this recipe turned out great.
Check out the original pizza dough recipe here: Joy Food Sunshine Easy Homemade Pizza Dough
Pizza Sauce

Like I said, while I’ve tried a ton of pizza dough recipes I’ve also tried a ton of pizza sauce recipes.
There is a pizza place near us that has this sauce that we love. It’s called a sweet sauce. It just has so much flavor and tastes so good on pizza! It’s just become a preference for us now.
I scoured the internet and this recipe is as close to this sweet sauce as it comes. It comes from Senior Skillet.
This recipe uses a combination of honey and brown sugar to pack a sweet little punch to your regular pizza sauce. And obviously, anything sweet at all is going to go over well with the kids!
Making the homemade sauce is super easy, and you can portion it up and freeze it for use at a later day.
Check out the original recipe here: The Senior Skillet Sweet Pizza Sauce Recipe
Toy Story Movie Night Dessert | Alien Jello

I presented the girls with quite a few options for desserts and they begged me for the easiest thing in the world, Jello! So I appeased them because obviously, this is about the kids. So Jello it is!
This was one of the easiest desserts I’ve done yet. (For obvious reasons!) I bought one of the bigger boxes of Lime Jello and made it according to the instructions on the box.
I bought these individual cups so they would stay in their nice round shapes.
Some other fun things you could try to do is use a cookie cutter and cut them in circles or even ovals more like the alien’s heads! That would be a great option if you don’t want to spend money on these individual cups.
I poured out the green Jello in the cups and let them refrigerate for at least 4 hours.
Then when you are ready to serve, place three eyeballs in the Jello, and voila! Now you have easy Toy Story Alien Jello.
**Tip: Don’t place the eyeballs on the Jello until you are ready to serve. If the eyeballs sit in the refrigerator on top of the Jello, they will melt into the Jello. (I offer this tip by learning the hard way!)
Galaxy Lemonade Drink

Whether you are using this drink for a galaxy drink, or a fun science experiment, you will not regret it. This drink was fun to make.
To find Butterfly Pea Flower tea was a scavenger hunt on its own. I’m not a tea drinker so I posted it up on my Facebook to be on the lookout for where I should go.
I had found this tea at a larger grocery store chain near us, Giant Eagle. They sold this Republic of Tea Blueberry Tea. Which had the Butterfly Pea Flower in it. I was so happy to find it, so off I went home to get making this fun-looking drink!
This drink I got from The Flavor Bender. It is science at its best!
Butterfly Pea Flowers are a flower that is used in tea. The butterfly pea flower tea is used as a base in this drink. When combined with an acid, like lemon, it changed the colors from blue, purple, and pink. It’s pretty cool to see!
The lemon syrup was easy to make. That part I nailed.
Then top it all off with club soda or some lemon-lime pop and you have yourself a fun little drink.
Want to make it adult-friendly? Replace the club soda with your favorite clear liquor. Easy-peasy!
Check out the original recipe here: The Flavor Bender’s Galaxy Lemonade Slushie
Toy Story Movie Night Crafts
Toy Story Rocket Ships

This was the craft the girls and I made for our movie night! We followed the guidance from Grace Giggles and Nap Time.
As I’ve said many times over, I love crafts that are easy and I make with things I already have at home. This craft was perfect and the love doing anything where painting is involved.
They turned out super cute!
Check out the original craft here: Grace Giggles and Nap Time: Toy Story Rockets
Toy Story Alien Slime

This alien slime looks so much fun! As if kids don’t love slime enough, add the element of glow in the dark and your kids will love it.
Check out the original craft here: The Farm Girl Labs: Glow in the Dark Alien Slime
Slinky Dog Paper Chain Craft

Check out the original craft here: The Chirping Moms Paper Chain Slinky Dog
“To Infinity, and Beyond!”
Go make your own easy Toy Story Movie Night Fun! Let me know what you did differently and how you had fun with your family, I love hearing from you!
Let me know in the meantime if you have any questions.
Don’t forget to check my Pinterest Page to save all my recipes and all my other ideas for movie night fun!
Come find me on Instagram for behind the scenes.
AND Tik Tok for more fun there! @mommysmoviemagic

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